
Understanding your clinical needs

Peripheral Intervention > Biopsy

Madison™ Bone Biopsy System

The Madison™ Perforating Bone Biopsy System is a perforating, comprehensive system designed to traverse hard bone and reach deep-set or small cortical abnormalities. It is a popular choice for both axial and appendicular cases.

The Madison Bone Biopsy System is a direct access system has the patented hard bone perforating cannula and drilling technology if required to traverse hard bone and reach deep-set or small cortical abnormalities. A range of sizes make this a popular choice for both axial and appendicular cases, and the drill is locked at a set distance whilst drilling to maximise accuracy in cannula placement and sampling precision.

CONTROL & PRECISION while traversing dense bone
PRECISE CANNULA PLACEMENT while drilling to target small cortical lesions
DIRECT access, EASY handling, & EFFICIENT hard bone access

Manufacturer: Merit Medical®
Category: Peripheral Intervention > Biopsy